Reveal the unique effectiveness of your cosmetic active ingredients
The science of beauty: R&D innovation at the service of cosmetics

Pioneers in cosmetic innovation and evaluation, we offer bespoke, unique approaches, incorporating psychobiology among other advanced methodologies. This diversity of analyses allows us to precisely reveal the effectiveness and well-being provided by your ingredients, paving the way for distinctive and scientifically validated products in the market.

A team of expert scientists takes charge of your projects!

I want to innovate
Cancer Research logo
Odycea logo
Expression Cosmétique logo
Greentech logo
Inaturals logo
Isispharma logo
QIMA logo
Biolandes logo
Woresan logo
Estime & Sens logo
Phytograde logo
Boténor logo

Discover how we can support you

Cell and skin biology, psychobiology, cosmetic ingredients and actives—our scientific experts will guide you through your projects.

Biological characterizations

Through advanced analyses, we determine the unique properties of active ingredients on biological systems, paving the way for targeted innovations in cosmetics.

Skin models

Our skin models accurately mimic the structure and functions of human skin, ensuring precise and relevant evaluations of cosmetic products.

Histology and imaging

Histology and imaging reveal the visual impact of products on the skin, providing concrete evidence of their effectiveness and deep action.

Psychobiology: A holistic approach

By integrating psychobiology, we explore how cosmetic products influence mental well-being and skin biology, offering a holistic view of beauty and health.

Nos services

Our services
Discover how we can support you

Custom R&D solutions

Our customized R&D solutions, dedicated to the development and evaluation of the efficacy of your cosmetic products, are designed to precisely fit your needs, benefiting from deep and multidisciplinary expertise in skin biology and psychobiology. Discover.

Tailored training solutions

Our training programs, designed for those at the heart of the cosmetic industry, stand out through an accessible and in-depth scientific approach. We facilitate a deep understanding of the skin and active ingredients, thus transforming knowledge into high expertise – a key to excel in the selection and sale of actives. Discover.

Scientific communication

We transform technical information into clear and engaging messages, enabling marketing and sales teams to master and share complex scientific content with accuracy and clarity, while preserving their original scientific rigor. Discover.

Our Missions
biology is our profession, our mission: to support you

Revolutionizing through science

Exploring the frontiers of science to identify and develop avant-garde cosmetic actives, thus defining the future of beauty and wellness.

Establishing efficacy with concrete data

Strengthening the market position of active ingredients by providing irrefutable scientific documentation that certifies their effectiveness, thereby increasing their attractiveness to manufacturers.

Enhancing your knowledge in skin biology

Deepening your expertise in cutaneous biology to better understand the underlying mechanisms of the skin, thereby facilitating the development, selection, and sale of more targeted and effective active ingredients.

Enlightening through science

Unveiling the scientific truth behind beauty products, promoting a more transparent and informed cosmetic industry.

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